
Have you ever felt lost when dealing with everyday numbers? Our Functional Maths Training Course is here to help. This course takes you on an enlightening trip through the world of math. You’ll learn about the basics like integers and fractions and move on to more advanced topics like estimating and percentages. It’s more than just adding and subtracting; it’s about seeing the patterns and logic that tie our world together.

Think of this course as your toolkit for all things maths. Whether you’re splitting a bill, working out a discount, or just wanting to understand numbers better, we’ve got you covered. From the handy BODMAS rule that simplifies complex equations to practical insights on how profit and loss work, every lesson is crafted to make math feel more approachable and useful.

So, if you’re keen to make sense of the numbers all around us, this is your starting point. With Functional Maths

Functional Maths

Training, you’ll gain confidence, knowledge, and a new perspective on the world of math. Whether you use it in your job or just in daily life, this course offers skills that will last a lifetime.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain a recognised qualification to add to your CV
  • Learn how to work with factors and multiples
  • Understand how to round to whole numbers
  • Get tips & tricks on profit & loss discount formulas
  • Know how to simplify expressions using BODMAS rules
  • Develop your problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Understand how to manipulate basic algebraic data
  • Pass any upcoming maths exams with flying colours


Upon completion of the course, you will be required to sit for an online multiple-choice quiz-based assessment, which will determine whether you have passed the course (60% pass mark). The test will be marked immediately, and results will be published instantly.

After completing the course, you can order a certificate of achievement to display your achievement for as little as £3.99 for the PDF version and £7.99 for the paper version or £10 for both. There is an additional £10 delivery charge for international students.

Who is This Course for?

  • Individuals seeking to strengthen their foundational maths knowledge for personal or professional reasons.
  • Job-seekers aim to boost their CV with an essential skill set.
  • Business owners need a deeper grasp of financial calculations.
  • Students looking to consolidate their understanding of math for further studies.


  • This course is available to all learners of all academic backgrounds.
  • Learners should be 16 or over to undertake the course.
  • A strong grasp of English, numeracy, and ICT is necessary for enrollment in this course.

Career Path

  • Financial Analyst: £30,000 to £55,000.
  • Data Scientist: £40,000 to £70,000.
  • Quantity Surveyor: £30,000 to £50,000.
  • Actuary: £32,000 to £60,000.
  • Tax Consultant: £28,000 to £52,000.
  • Business Consultant: £35,000 to £60,000.

Course Curriculum

Integers ( Directed Numbers)
Introduction 00:02:00
Multiplying any digit number by 11, 22, and 33.mp4 00:09:00
Integers and ordering of integers 00:06:00
Addition and Subtractions of Integers 00:07:00
Operations on Integers 00:04:00
Multiplication and Division of Integers 00:04:00
Powers of Integers (Exponents) 00:04:00
Factors and Multiples
Complete knowledge about factors and multiples 00:06:00
Divisibility tests for 2,3,4,5,6 00:07:00
Divisibility rules 7,8,9,10,11 00:06:00
Prime Factorization 00:06:00
Highest Common Factor HCF 00:10:00
Least Common Multiple LCM 00:16:00
Relation between LCM and HCF 00:04:00
Classification of Fractions 00:04:00
Convert mixed to improper and improper to mixed fractions 00:03:00
Equivalent Fractions 00:04:00
Comparing Fractions after converting to like fractions 00:09:00
Reducing a fraction to lowest term 00:04:00
Addition and subtraction OF fractions 00:08:00
Multiplication and division of fractions 00:11:00
Word problems on fractions 00:16:00
Simplification Rule : BODMAS
BODMAS and rules to remove brackets 00:03:00
Simplify expressions using BODMAS rules 00:05:00
Simplify expressions involving fractions using BODMAS 00:07:00
Decimal numbers
Decimal numbers in relation to fractions 00:08:00
Like and unlike Decimals 00:05:00
Ordering of Decimal numbers 00:10:00
Addition and subtraction of Decimal 00:07:00
Multiplication of Decimal 00:03:00
Division of Decimal 00:05:00
Rational Numbers
Rational number 00:02:00
Representation of Rational Numbers on Number line 00:04:00
Determining which fraction is terminating or non terminating 00:05:00
shortcut method of writing decimal expansion of fraction to decimal 00:08:00
Rounding to whole number 00:06:00
Rounding to required number of decimals (1 d.p. ) 00:05:00
rounding to significant digits 00:07:00
Practice question on three methods of approximation 00:05:00
Estimation and Scientific Notation or Standard form
Estimation 00:05:00
Scientific Notation 69 00:07:00
Operation on numbers when they are in scientific notation 00:06:00
Percentage to fraction and fraction to percentage 00:06:00
Percentage of a quantity and conversation to decimal 00:06:00
Expressing one quantity as percentage of another quantity 00:06:00
Finding increase decrease percent 00:05:00
Uses of percentages-Word Problems 00:09:00
Ratio and Proportion
Ratio- How to express as simple ratio 00:09:00
How to compare Ratios 00:04:00
Word problems on finding ratios 00:07:00
To divide a given quantity into a given Ratio 00:11:00
Proportion 00:04:00
Practice problems on Proportion69 00:06:00
Continued proportion 00:06:00
Unitary Method and its Applications
Direct Variation ( or proportion) 00:04:00
Lecture 56 Problems based on Direct proportion 00:10:00
Inverse Variation ( or proportion) 00:10:00
Multiple Ratios 00:10:00
Profit , Loss, discount and Tax
Lecture 59 Basics – Profit and Loss 00:04:00
More practice problems on Profit & Loss 00:06:00
Selling price formula and Problems 00:04:00
Cost price formula and Problems 00:03:00
Higher problems on Profit and Loss 00:08:00
Basics 00:05:00
Practice problems on Discount 00:04:00
Tax 00:06:00