
If you’re looking to kick-start a meaningful career, the Medical Transcription Diploma is your ticket. In today’s fast-paced job world, having the right skill set makes all the difference. Our course simplifies the complexities of the medical transcription field, making it easy for you to grasp and excel.

Dive in, and you’ll get a clear picture of what the job involves and the exciting opportunities it holds. We cover everything – from the basics to the nitty-gritty details, ensuring you’re ready for the job from day one. And the best part? The course is broken down into bite-sized sections, so learning becomes a breeze. Join us, and step confidently into the world of medical transcription.

Please note: Our Medical Transcription Diploma course only gives you the theoretical knowledge to excel in this field. This course doesn’t entitle you to practise as a professional in this specific field.

Learning Outcomes

    • Mastery of medical terminology essential for accurate transcription.
    • Proficiency in transcription tools and technologies.
    • Understanding of patient confidentiality and data protection.
    • Skills in editing and proofreading medical documents.
    • Acumen to discern audios, even with background noises or thick accents.
    • Awareness of regulations and standards in medical documentation.
    • Ability to transcribe varied medical reports, from consultations to surgeries.


Once you finish the course, you have the option to get a certificate to show your success. The PDF version costs just £3.99, while a printed one is £7.99. If you’d like both, it’s £10. For students outside the UK, there’s an extra £10 for delivery.

Who is this Course for?

Our CPD accredited Medical Transcription Diploma course is perfect for everyone trying to learn professional skills. This is because there is no prior experience or qualifications required for this course. It is open to all students, regardless of their academic background.


This Medical Transcription Diploma is open to everyone, regardless of prior qualifications or experience. You can enroll and start learning right away. You can access the course from anywhere in the world as long as you have a reliable internet connection.

Career path

The Medical Transcription Diploma  course will help you to enhance your knowledge and skill in this sector. After accomplishing this course, you will enrich and improve yourself and brighten up your career in the relevant job market.

Course Curriculum

Module 01: Introduction to Medical Transcription
Introduction to Medical Transcription 00:13:00
Module 02: The What, How, Who and Why of Medical Transcription
The What, How, Who and Why of Medical Transcription 00:18:00
Module 03: Understanding Medical Reports
Understanding Medical Reports 00:26:00
Module 04: Medical Language Boot Camp
Medical Language Boot Camp 00:13:00
Module 05: Formatting: The Basics
Formatting: The Basics 00:15:00
Module 06: Data Protection
Data Protection 00:18:00
Assignment – Medical Transcription Diploma 00:00:00
Course Certification
Order Your Certificate 00:00:00